Bob Wright has been a Partner with firms such as McGladrey, BDO Seidman and Coopers & Lybrand since 1986.
Bob has provided expert testimony in seven major litigation cases covering multi-state jurisdictional law since 2000.
Bob has served in accounting and auditing leadership roles with BDO Seidman and McGladrey. He has co-authored the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Accounting and Auditing Guide for Health Care Organizations, having served on the AICPA Health Care Expert Panel to set national health care accounting standards for over 7 years.
Bob has provided services to hospitals, clinics and other health care service providers throughout the country. He has also served a wide variety of manufacturers, distributors and other privately owned businesses throughout the midwest for over 40 years.
Bob has served the needs of many clients from his hometown of Rockford, IL where he resides with his wife and near his family.
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